Novus ordo seclorum - Az új világrend 2.
... kézikönyv, amely az 1979. májusa dátumot viseli, és amelyet 1986. július 7-én a new yorki Council on Foreign Relations nevű nagyhatalmú magánszervezet egyik korporációs tagjának, a BOING AIRCRAFT COMPANY-nak az alkalmazottja azon a használaton kívüli IBM másológépben talált meg, amelyen ezt a másolatot készítették. Ez a kézikönyv egy olyan tervet ismertet, amelyet beavatottak kész...
2023-05-15 20:30:43
Kinek fizetjük az államadósságot.
... szerzett pár milliárd dollárt.
1980. as Rothschildok Amerikában: 84-ben 570 millió $ - l segítik Sir James Goldsmith - t megvenni a Crown Zellerbach Corporation-t, ügyfelek Hughes Aircraft, New York Times, biztosító társaságok, áruházláncok. Segítenek a torontói Reichmann fivéreknek, akik cége az Olympia&New York az egyik legnagyobb ingatlanok befektető társaság, megvenni a S...
2013-11-29 07:22:52
Ez történt - Október 27.-én
... destroyers sink the damaged carrier USS Hornet to prevent her from falling into the hands of approaching Japanese ships. The Hornet has been in operation for only 371 days.

Martin Aircraft Ad - October 1943

1943: Montgomery resumes the offensive ...
2013-10-27 22:26:00
Ez történt - Október 3.-án
... force, in order to deceive Rommel as to where the main effort was to be made. Further smaller operations were to be mounted by the SAS on Axis airfields in Libya in an attempt to destroy aircraft on the ground.

1941: Australian Independents vote with the Labour to defeat McFadden government.

1941: Hitler tells the German people that Russian 'has already bee...
2013-10-03 09:32:21
Ez történt - Augusztus 27.-én
... action over Germany. More than 1,000 U.S. B-17s and B-24s attack airdromes at Anklam, Grossenbrode, Neubrandenburg and Parow, Luftwaffe experimental facilities at Peenemunde and Rechlin, aircraft components factories at Lubeck, Rostock, Schwerin, and Wismar, an oil-industry target at Politz and several targets of opportunity in Germany. 18 heavy bombers are lost.

2013-08-27 09:07:01
Ez történt - Augusztus 20.-án
... is also facing resolute Russian resistance.

1942: 31 U.S. aircraft touchdown on the newly completed Henderson Field airstrip on Guadalcanal to help the Marines fighting over the control of the island.

1942 August 20, FIRST HAND REPORT OF THE "FI...
2013-08-20 07:17:24
Ez történt - Augusztus 19.-én
... 5,300-5,700 combat troops and 1,000 civilians to Aden, Yemen. August 5-19, British ground losses were 38 KIA, 102 wounded and 120 missing. RAF flew 184 sorties, dropped 60 tons of bombs, lost 7 aircraft destroyed and 10 badly damaged, lost 12 aircrew KIA and 3 wounded. Italian losses were 465 KIA, 1530 wounded and 34 missing.

1941: German submarines sink a Norwegian an...
2013-08-19 09:46:37
Ez történt - Augusztus 6.-án
... Infantry Division is passing along the northern coastline of the peninsula.

1944: The Russians seize the Polish oil centre of Drohobyez.

1944: The German Rahmel aircraft factory near Gdynia in Poland, is attacked by allied bombers.

1944: The last Jewish ghetto in Poland, Lodz, is liquidated with 60,000 Jews sent to Auschwitz.

2013-08-06 08:01:27
Ez történt - Július 9.-én
... Northwest Passage in the Arctic Ocean assisted by Russian icebreakers.

1940: The British and Italian fleets make contact at Battle of Cape Spartivento. The British force includes 1 Aircraft Carrier and 3 Battleships, while the Italian squadron under Admiral Campioni consists of 2 Battleships, 6 heavy and 12 light cruisers. The Italians brake off contact after their fla...
2013-07-09 00:04:26
Ez történt - Július 5.-én
... alignment with the Axis powers.

1940: In retaliation for the British action at Mers-el-Kebir, Vichy French warships based at Dakar capture 3 British merchant ships, while French aircraft stationed in Morocco attack British shipping off Gibraltar.

1941: Foreign Secretary Eden categorically rules out possibility of negotiating with Hitler.

1941: T...
2013-07-05 07:46:34
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Címkék: Foreign Relations, BOING AIRCRAFT COMPANY-nak, Rothschildok Amerikában, James Goldsmith, Crown Zellerbach Corporation-t, Hughes Aircraft, York Times, Olympia&New York, Martin Aircraft Ad, Australian Independents, Henderson Field, FIRST HAND REPORT OF THE, Infantry Division, German Rahmel, READ NY, Northwest Passage, Arctic Ocean, Cape Spartivento, Aircraft Carrier, Admiral Campioni, Vichy French, Foreign Secretary Eden, alkalmazottja azon, használaton kívüli, másolatot készítették, olyan tervet, torontói Reichmann, egyik legnagyobb, neubrandenburg, államadósságot, magánszervezet, categorically, alkalmazottja, grossenbrode, rothschildok, másológépben, experimental, áruházláncok, independents, battleships, beavatottak, approaching, guadalcanal, spartivento, corporation, készítették, nagyhatalmú, opportunity, negotiating, korporációs, possibility, icebreakers, retaliation, használaton, amerikában, társaságok, zellerbach, ingatlanok, submarines, liquidated, peenemunde, components, resistance, government, australian,
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